Research project PRO-NUTS
PRO-NUTS: Professionalizing nut farming in Flanders.

Flemish farmers are increasingly looking to diversify, and nut cultivation is seen by many as an interesting option. The growing interest in and acreage of walnuts and hazelnuts is partly the result of increasing awareness of climate change, biodiversity loss and sustainable food production among both consumers and producers. Nut crops can succeed with limited external inputs, sequesters carbon, increases biodiversity and buffers weather extremes. As a result, local nut cultivation also has significant social and environmental potential. The healthy properties of nuts make them a highly valued product by consumers and offer growers good marketing prospects. At the same time, nut growing fits perfectly into the Flemish Protein Strategy, which promotes local, sustainable and healthy proteins. However, most of the nuts consumed today are imported.
In order to deliver a high quality product, both on the domestic market (mainly fresh and dried or processed nuts) and on the export market (mainly planting material), professional planting, care, harvesting, storage and processing is crucial. However, pioneer growers are often faced with many cultivation and economic challenges and obstacles, often with direct consequences for the profitability of their business.
From the ongoing VLAIO LA project Agroforestry 2025 came the demand for more knowledge, information and research on nut cultivation. In the project Nood aan noot, a market study shows that bottlenecks, such as meeting volume and quality requirements, must also be eliminated with a view to processing and marketing. These questions form the basis of the present research proposal.
With PRO-NOOT we focus on Flemish farmers and companies that want to start growing and/or processing walnuts and/or hazelnuts as the main target group. The link with policy themes such as healthy nutrition, Protein Strategy, climate mitigation and adaptation makes that project results are also relevant for the entire society and the Flemish agricultural landscape.
General objective
The overall goal of this project is to professionalize nut farming in Flanders. We initially focus on walnuts and hazelnuts, but also investigate the potential of less common but promising nut varieties. Through various preliminary processes, a number of specific problems and challenges were raised from within the sector, such as (1) the limited knowledge of cultivation techniques (choice of species and varieties, management, interaction with the environment, etc.), (2) the lack of knowledge in the field of integrated crop protection against pests and diseases in nut cultivation, (3) the need for knowledge to safeguard product quality during and after harvesting, and (4) the lack of a well-functioning chain.
Specific objectives
With PRO-NOOT we want to address the needs and bottlenecks identified through earlier projects by:
- Increasing cultivation technical knowledge through information sheets, demonstrations at our own experimental sites, field visits and knowledge exchange moments for practitioners.
- Developing an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategy based on literature and monitoring on field plots (mass-trapping technique of walnut husk fly and prediction model for hazelnut weevil), allowing growers to prevent or control diseases and pests in an economically and ecologically sustainable way.
- Provide good practices from harvest to processing and storage. Through knowledge sheets and demonstrations, we help growers choose machines and techniques tailored to their farm and the intended end product. Via analyses we also examine the impact of these techniques on nutritional value, taste and phytosanitary safety. Knowledge is incorporated into a sector guide on nut cultivation.
- Addressing various issues in the nut supply chain. Starting with (a) an in-depth market study and then (b) an integration of scenarios specific to nut cultivation in a cost-benefit tool, (c) by giving insight into potential revenue models in the event of changes in business operations and by exploring the potential of (d) storytelling and marketing to convince consumers to pay a premium price for certain products.
Expected results and impact
Collaboration with the industry will ensure the practical relevance of the project. With preliminary steps already taken and alignment with other EU research institutions, we can facilitate change and impact the target audience in the short term. The sector guide and cost-benefit tool developed within this project have a permanent character, which means that the results will have impact beyond the project. Integration of project results into existing business guidance, intensive contact with the target group and continued connection with and support from the Nuts Working Group (notenwerkgroep) ensure the initiated change process among the target group even after the project ends.
The project aims to professionalize nut cultivation, which will lead to more productive plantings of sustainably grown high quality nuts. This will benefit both growers and subsequent links in the chain. Gaining a clear understanding of the revenue model and profitability of nut plantings will lead to an increase in acreage, all crucial factors to make Flemish nut growing competitive against foreign players.